Lake Hayes, also renowned as the “mirror lake”, is accessible from the towns of Queenstown and Arrowtown. It is said to be the most photographed tourist destination in New Zealand, and why not? There is indeed no other place in New Zealand as beautiful as Lake Hayes. The versatile earthy-toned landscapes along with the beautiful reflection of the majestic mountains of the Wakatipu Basin, altogether, never fail to astound the visitors.
Then there is Lake Hayes’s uneven gravel pathway, which is popularly known as the Lake Hayes Loop. A walk through the Hayes Loop will bring forth visitors everything that Queenstown is known for the splendid mountain ranges, tranquil lake vistas, rustic historical cottages, local wildlife and much much more.
Next to the Hayes Loop lies the Amisfield Winery and Bistro; end your beautiful morning ride by testing your taste buds against the delicious feast; don’t forget to add the large beer picture! If that’s not for you, Lake Hayes also houses a Walnut Cottage. Pick a cup of coffee and end your day having it right under a 100-year-old Walnut tree.