Tips for Driving Safe in New Zealand

  • Use Seat Belts: As per Kiwi law, all the people who are travelling in the car, even the ones seated in the back seats must make use of seat belts; and if children are along, use of child restraints is compulsory.
  • Keep Left: In New Zealand, all cars approach their destinations by driving on the left, which means that the center line of the road always remains on the right side of the driver.
  • Speed Limits: While driving on Kiwi roads, one shall keep a strict check on the speed. Though in case of open roads and city/town roads, the maximum speed limit is 100 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively, yet exceptions do occur. Therefore keep an eye on the signs on your left to keep track of the maximum permitted speed.
  • Avoid Mobile Phones: A driver is advised not to use mobile in any way while driving on the Kiwi roads. However, it is permissible, if and only if one is using a hands-free kit which ensures that there will be no need to manipulate the mobile with hands while driving.
  • Overtaking: Overtake a vehicle only if it is safe and in case there is a yellow line instead of a white at the center of the road to your right- it means overtaking is prohibited as it is too dangerous!
  • Drive as Per the Conditions: You should slow down and drive more carefully if the driving conditions are not favorable i.e. if it is raining or snowing etc.
  • Don’t mix drinking and driving: Driving is strictly prohibited in case you are under the influence of alcohol or a drug. It is a big offense in NZ and if caught the penalties would be really severe.
  • Plan Well: Since road trips in NZ could prove really long because of the winding roads, it is always advisable that one should better calculate the duration of your traveling using a GPS.
  • Go for an automatic car: While choosing for a car rental it is better to choose a car which has an automatic transmission. The fact that in NZ one has to change the gear with their left hands might seem uncomfortable, moreover, this can be a big problem especially when one has to self navigate on NZ’s winding roads. Therefore it is better to opt for an automatic car.
  • Don’t Panic: Thought it is unlikely that one can get lost while driving in NZ, yet if such a case arises, don’t panic- take a deep breath, leave the premises of your car and ask someone for directions.
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