Tips to Safe Parking New Zealand

  • It is advised that one should slow down while parking; however, one should indicate the intended action at least three seconds before proceeding.
  • As per NZ law, one shall always park parallel to the road and to its left (as close to the left as possible); however you can make an exception in case angle parking is permitted. And don’t worry in case angle parking is allowed, there will be signs to convey it.
  • Open your vehicle’s door only after making sure that no pedestrian, passing vehicle or cyclist is coming your way. Also, in case of heavy traffic, make sure that you are out of the way before actually stopping to park your car. It would be a better idea to get out of your vehicle on the side which is away from the traffic.
  • In case you are going to park on a steep road, make sure that the wheels of the car are turned towards the kerb after parking- this will ensure that your vehicle will not move forward or backward. Also make sure that your car is in reverse gear (in park mode if the vehicle is automatic) and do apply the handbrake!
  • Avoid parking the car on the side of the road during night if the road is not lit by a streetlight. However, if there is no other option, park the car on the side of the road and make sure that either the tail lights or the side lights which are nearest to the center of the road are turned on and should be visible from a distance of 100m. This will ensure that the parked car will be visible to the passer bys – either in cars, cyclists or people on foot.
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