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In 1886 Mount Tarawera underwent an eruption- a devastating one which ripped the mountain in two and created a 17-kilometer gap into the landscape, and coating it with layers of lava and ash. At the time Lake Rotomahana is said to have reached twenty times its original size and the geothermal utopia i.e. Waimangu, which comprises of seven craters, was created.
The Waimangu Valley, which is World’s youngest geothermal, is the epitome of the fact that natural disasters like volcanic eruptions which when finally pass away leave behind the dormant beauty which unravels after a few years. The beauty of the valley came back to life after thirty years from the date of the explosion: the plant life rejuvenated and the valley was again full of hot pools and springs but ever more beautiful; now they were adorned with the multicolored rocks and colorful water.
The Emerald Pool dwells in one of the craters which were formed after the Tarawera eruption. Ensconced amidst the native green cover, the rich green color of the pools can be credited to the presence of sphagnum moss, which at one time was used in healing.
It was formed when a former Waimangu guide named Alfred Warbrick placed some sandbags on the spring so as to slow down its release; this led to a visual masterpiece which we now know as Warbrick Terrace. It resembles a multicolored liquid rock with a riot of colours playing- like gold, black, grey and rust- which blend to create something surreal and splendid. However, scientifically its unique coloration is because of the presence of algae, iron oxide, and hydroxide and silicate deposits.
Another place in the Waimangu Volcanic Valley which is worth a look is the streaming crater lakes. It is a great place for the sight of the steam that rises from the blue Inferno Crater will certainly make it a worth having experience.