World of Wearable and Classic car Museum

Get Into The World of Wearable & Classic Car Museum

This World of Museum represents fabulous garments from the ‘World of Wearable Art Awards’ show, a two-hour pageant which originally used to be held in the city of Nelson, but now appears in Wellington; designers from all over the world come here in order to get their works represented. Unlike other award shows, the artworks at the World of Wearable Art Awards is taken off the walls, to embellish the body in distinctive wonderful ways.

The exhibits are being represented at the WOW gallery by the means of rotatory exhibitions, which keeps on changing after a time span of every 6 months. Moreover, it features elaborated sets, great sound systems and psychedelic lighting, adding a little more charm to the exhibitions and events.

Know More About Cars At the Classic Car Museum

Adjoining the World of Museum gallery lies the Classic Car Museum. This gallery is the only place in the entire New Zealand to exhibit the largest private collection of classic cars. That said, the mint-conditioned classic cars represented here include a 1959 pink Cadillac, a 1950 Bullet, a BMW bubble car, a Nose Studebaker convertible and the likes. The brilliant collection of automobiles at the Classic car Museum represent years of passionate sourcing, not just from New Zealand, but from all around the world.

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